What is MSBOA? Where is District 9? Who is District 9?
District 9 Serves North Eastern Michigan Schools and all their band programs.Schools in District 9 Include:
District 9 Constitution and By-Laws
MSBOA History (Short Version)On February 3, 1934 the Southeastern Michigan Band and Orchestra Association was formed. This single district organization gained the attention of other areas of the state. It was through the efforts of Dale C. Harris of Pontiac and Mac E. Carr of River Rouge that MSBOA was founded.
In 1938 the first state-wide Band and Orchestra Festival took place. The format was similar to what is in effect today, with the exception that sight-reading was optional. Due largely to the success of the festivals and workshops, MSBOA had grown to solid structure and respect by 1938. MSBOA had assumed the leadership role in instrumental music affairs in the state of Michigan.